Other Procedures
Blepharitis is a chronic inflammatory disease common in children and adults. Patients who suffer from blepharitis suffer from redness, burning, itching, swelling or crusty eyelids. Maintaining clean eyelids can help to eliminate these symptoms. If that does not work antibiotic drops and ointments can be prescribed to control the condition. Blepharitis is a common condition that causes an inflammation of the eyelids. The causes of the condition are related to bacterial, viral, chlamydial or fungal organisms. Most commonly it is due to inflammation associated with skin problems or systemic disorders.
The doctor will evaluate your eyelids and eyes to determine what is causing the blepharitis. Samples may be taken from the lining of the eyelids and the secretions from meibomian glands to test to see if there is an infection. The main treatment for blepharitis is lid hygiene. Doctors suggest applying a warm washcloth to your eyelids for 5 minutes before going to sleep and 5 minutes when you wake up, the heat will help to dissolve the secretions. There are a number of ointments and eye drops that can also be used to help reduce infection and inflammation.
Chalazion appears as a bump on the upper or lower eyelid. The bump is a result of an obstruction located in the tarsal gland. The tarsal gland is responsible for producing a lubricating tear film but if the gland experiences an obstruction the fluid begins to swell in the lid. Chalazion is usually painless and typically does not grow larger than a finger nail. However, in rare cases the chalazion grows large enough that it begins to cause pressure on the eye and can result in blurred vision.
A chalazion is not an infection but can lead to an infection if left untreated for too long. The exact cause is not known but doctors have noticed associations between chalazion and dry flaky skin, dry eyes, lid inflammation and acne. The chalazion will normally disappear within a few week without treatment. Doctor may recommend hot packing and eye drops in the early stages. Chronic chalazion can be treated with an in office procedure in which the chalazion is drained throughout the eyelid. No stitches are needed and the healing process is very quick.
Conjunctivitis is an inflammation of the outer membrane of the eye. Redness, swelling, itching and watering all are associated with conjunctivitis. Patients who suffer from allergic conjunctivitis usually have both eyes affected at once. Viral and bacterial conjunctivitis patients can either suffer with an infection in one or in both eyes. There are a wide variety of medications for treatment ranging from ointments to eye drops.
Uveitis refers to the inflammation of the uvea, which is the middle layer of the eye between the retina and the sclera. The uvea extends toward the front of the eye and made up of the iris, choroid layer and ciliary body. Uveitis is common is people ages 20 to 50 and can be a very serious disease that could ultimately lead to blindness. Early diagnosis and treatment are important to prevent the disease from becoming worse.
The cause of uveitis often cannot be determined but patients who have contracted uveitis have been linked to autoimmune disorders, inflammatory disorders, infections, eye injuries, and certain cancers. The symptoms are noticeable in that your eyes are typically red, you feel pain in your eyes, have trouble seeing in certain lighting conditions and you notice symptoms becoming rapidly worse.
There are a number of treatments that the doctors can prescribe for you depending on the severity of the uveitis. Anti-inflammatory medications in forms of eye drops are one of the first forms of treatment. Anti-botics and Antiviral medications will be prescribed in order to get the infection under control. If the medications do not work surgery will be required to try and help preserve vision.
Keratoconus is a condition where the cornea becomes think and bulges forward. The cornea forms the shape of a cone. The causes for this condition are related to a number of factors including heredity, constant rubbing of the eyes, and may develop as a result as other diseases
The symptoms of keratoconus result in poor vision. The cone shape cornea has the ability to produce mild to severe astigmatism.
The symptoms often develop at a young age and gradually become worse over time. The issue can resolve on its own but scarring may become an issue, thus leading to a decrease in vision.
Keratoconus can be treated in its earliest stages with glasses or contact lenses. As the disease develops and worsens a corneal transplant may have to be done. Less invasive procedures include Intacs, which are tiny rings to be place on your cornea. The Intacs may be used with Conductive Keratoplasty to help improve vision.

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When a cataract is removed, it is replaced with an artificial intraocular lens (IOL).
There are a variety of IOLs that can be used in cataract surgery, and they each have their own set of advantages and disadvantages. No single IOL works best for everyone, and only your ophthalmologist can determine the most appropriate IOL for your needs.

Age-related macular degeneration is a chronic eye disease marked by deterioration of tissue in the part of your eye that's responsible for central vision. The deterioration occurs in the macula which is in the center of the retina — the layer of tissue on the inside back wall of your eyeball.

Diabetic retinopathy is the most common diabetic eye disease and a leading cause of blindness in American adults. It is caused by changes in the blood vessels of the retina.
The retina is the light-sensitive tissue at the back of the eye. A healthy retina is necessary for good vision. If you have diabetic retinopathy, at first you may not notice changes to your vision. But over time, diabetic retinopathy can get worse and cause vision loss. Diabetic retinopathy usually affects both eyes.